Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Designing Your Own Outfits: Via Polyvore

Hey guys!  Sorry I haven't posted anything on my blog in FOREVER, but I'm going to pick up blogging again, i promise:) hehe.  Soo, I've been using this website called polyvore for about six months now, and let me tell ya, I am in LOVE with it.  I love fashion, and I actually aspire to one day be a buyer in the fashion merchandising business so I can travel the world and indulge in fashions everywhere.  Polyvore.com gives me the opportunity to be creative &  create my own outfits!  There is a wide selection of clothing pieces and items that you can choose from, and you can create any outfit that you want!  The sky is the limit:)  If you guys have watched my video on youtube where I talk about my fashion look book, I actually print off outfits that I design on polyvore and put them in my look book also!  If you are interested you can check out my polyvore here & see all the outfits that I have created so far! 

1 comment:

  1. I love polyvore! I've got a couple outfits I've made posted on my blog! Also, makeuptalk.com has a "Fashion Face Off" where everyone creates one outfit around a particular item. It's fun!

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